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Firewood Community Safety Initiative

Safe home heat is essential! Join the movement towards safe and secure wood heat for all.

“When used correctly, wood heat can be an excellent solution for rural heat inequity”

The Firewood Community Safety Initiative looks to you, the firewood community, to set a standard of safety that all firewood users can remember, reference, and understand. Helping hands heat homes, has been a proven motto for firewood banks in operation around the county; they impact thousands of homes and sustain hundreds of communities across the nation.  Accessing heating fuel is only the first step to optimizing safe wood heat. Following firewood pick up comes preventative planning for long term security, behavior changes that reduce indoor and outdoor air pollution, and basic stove understanding.


Included in this site are helpful resources for firewood users and ways the community of users can best advocate for the precious renewable biofuel, that is, firewood.  

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Safety Toolkits

Safe and efficient wood heat depends on thoughtful user behavior. Protecting your home and your loved ones is doable with a few small tools, cleaning and burning habits, and routine maintenance. We would like everyone to access these tools easily, so we are offering firewood banks that join our initiative safety toolkits stocked with low-cost supplies that increase safety and optimize heat production.

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Smoke Detectors
Essential in any wood-burning home
Properly functioning smoke detectors reduce the tragic consequences of home fires and increase the survival rate of home fires by 50%. We will send you some to distribute to your firewood community!
Stove Thermometer
Helps the stove user see how hot their fire is burning or when it has gone out
Request a toolkit of safety supplies to showcase at your firewood bank for wood recipients to learn from, use, and share their experience.
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Chimney Sweep
Very important annual maintenance for any wood burning appliance
With our partners at Midtown Hearth we want to train hearth industry professionals to protect their wood-burning community with wood stove inspections and installation.
Air Quality Monitor
This bluetooth compatible Temtop air quality monitor records particulate matter pollution that is most harmful to your health
Our citizen science opportunity brings attention to the things you could easily overlook. Through observing your indoor air quality we can better understand how much behavior and stove condition impacts air quality. 
Moisture Meter
Burning wet wood is a waste of fuel and results in unnecessary smoke. Moisture meters verify if your wood is ready to burn.
All of our firewood bank partners receive moisture meters from us. This guarantees they have the tools to only provide seasoned wood to wood recipients.
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Ash Bucket
The right bucket is essential for cleaning ash out of your wood stove safely and regularly
We have ash buckets for your firewood bank! Educating your firewood users on the importance of cleaning out your stove how ash emits carbon monoxide is something all firewood users should know.

Do you live with smoke in your home and wonder what impact it may have on your health?

Understanding Air Quality Inside The Home

We invite firewood users to participate in a citizen science project that combines air quality education with common home heating behavior. We will give you a simple air monitor that reads particulate matter concentrations and you will track your indoor air pollution and stove activity, sharing data and information about your wood stove use along the way. Please reach out here, to participate in the project!

Smoke From Your Wood Stove Can Harm Your Health

The particulate matter pollution that is most harmful to your health is not visible to the naked eye. Using and indoor air monitor gives you a reference point for what your indoor air quality is throughout the heating season. Mobile air filters can help reduce exposure to PM2.5 pollution in addition to an upgraded EPA certified efficient stove. 

Click here to learn how to make your own box fan filter!

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The Importance of Seasoned Wood

Firewood burns better, hotter, and cleaner when it's dry! Always use seasoned firewood with 20% moisture content or less to heat your home. 

How do you know? 

Seasoned firewood will feel light when you pick it up, and a moisture meter will tell you the exact water concentration.


How do you season?

Seasoned firewood was dried out either naturally or intentionally before the heating season began. Dead, fallen trees are typically pre-seasoned. Green cut trees require 2-6 months to dry depending on your location. 

Follow the split, stack, cover, store rules when preparing for the heating season.

Lifecycle of Firewood

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Set an example in your firewood community!
Join the Firewood Community Safety Initiative today!

Connect your firewood recipients to safety resources and help them gain lifetime skills and education around wood stove safety. This initiative promotes safeguarding homes from preventable fire hazards, adopting new habits that reduce fuel waste, and actions that promote long-term security with your wood-burning appliance. 

Safety Initiative Components: 

Partner with community businesses and groups to make your firewood users as safe as possible. 

Promote an educational program using a safety toolkit we provide!

Pledge to distribute ONLY seasoned firewood. 

Learn more about the initiative by emailing Hannah and join today!. 


1 National Forest Foundation
2 USDA Forest Service
3 EPA Burn Wise

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Alliance for Green Heat

©2022 by Alliance for Green Heat.

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